Sunday, February 17, 2013

Not Just Any Heart Valentine

February never fails to remind us, all of us, of Valentine's Day, with its saccharined heart. I always have loved and hated the symbol since it has dictated how a complex and varied feeling (Love) should be and only be about the overly sweet and ultimately sickening nature of love or strong affection. And the symbol (or Love) has never been that way for me.

This is my valentine for my Valentine, based on the concept of the stereotypical heart shape, which is two hearts fused together:

Front of Valentine minus front lacing
Interior of Valentine with bike in the background
Completely handmade Valentine.  If that doesn't say "I love you" then I don't know what does.  Also, the holes in running down the middle of both hearts are for a deep purple ribbon to tie them together.  I took these photos after I gave it and it was quite the pain in the butt to lace it up the first time, and I didn't feel like doing it again.  My hands are tired, my friends.

Color obsession: Gentian

Song obsession: "Apply Some Pressure" by Maxïmo Park  
Words that make ya sma'ta': Aggregate